(Danny Silva)
October 30, 2022, 12:23am
Hello there!
Is there a way to change a body between predefined values everytime i run a POST request?
For example:
"id": 11,
"name": "Tutorialspoint",
"username": "Test1",
"email": "[email protected] ",
i want the username to change between ´Test1, Test2, Test3ˋ everytime i run the request.
Is it possible?
October 30, 2022, 9:57am
Hi @shaga85
You’re looking for ‘data driven testing’.
Here are some resources:
Hi Everyone!!! Let’s check out some details about Data-Driven Testing with Postman using CSV and JSON files😊
Data-driven testing can be a very effective approach in testing an API against different data-sets. Postman supports CSV and JSON files to get data for the test scripts. The data-driven approach is useful when we need to execute a test with multiple sets of Data. Also, modifying or adding any data fields will just need updating the data files which is easier than going to test script and…
(Danny Silva)
October 30, 2022, 10:21am
Nice, this will come in handy! Altough its not exactly what i need. I only want to have the request with one of the usernames (Test1 or Test2 or Test3), and not run alll 3 names like on the collection runner. Also i would like to only run this test without the need of the collection runner.
Is this possible?
October 30, 2022, 10:46am
If its only 1 request you could set it as a variable and pass it in using the {{variable}} syntax.
You could add a pre-req script to set the variable before the request is sent.
How do you decide which user you want to send?
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(Danny Silva)
October 30, 2022, 11:04am
It can be random between those 3 usernames (Test1, Test2, Test3). I don’t need to have a specific order. How do I do that on the pre-request test?
October 30, 2022, 10:04pm
You could do something like this;
//Create an array with all options
let myList = ["User 1", "User 2", "User 3"];
//Generate a random number between 1 and array length
let i = Math.floor(Math.random() * myList.length);
//Output the value by using the random number as the array index
console.log("Output variable = " + myList[i]);
The Lodash library is built-in to the Postman sandbox by default so you can use _.sample.
var randomString = _.sample(['Test1', 'Test2', 'Test3']);
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