Saving response from all pages into a single variable


I am trying to retrieve the records from the database that are created during a period. For that I use below GRAPHQL variables and sending the request.


“start” : “2020-08-13T13:28:10Z”,

“end” : “2020-08-13T13:55:18Z”,

“page” : “1”


When I send the request, it returns hundreds of records in response.Each page displays only 25 records. If we send request for page 1 it will display only page 1 records. If we send request for page 2 it will display only page 2 records. I am able to save the respective page response into a variable. If the pages are more than one page, in the response it will display a link saying that we have a next page as below.

“links”: {
“next”: “?query=query ($start: String!, $end: String!, $page: Int!) { itemClassUpdates(start: $start, end: $end, page: $page) { page totalPages start end events { event itemClass { handle code erpCode description discontinued createUser createDate updateUser lastModified itemSubclasses { handle classHandle code erpCode description defaultUnitHandle discontinued createUser createDate updateUser lastModified } } } } } &variables={“start”:“2020-08-13T13:28:10Z”,“end”:“2020-08-13T13:55:18Z”,“page”:2}”

My challenge is, i want to save the first page response into a variable and then the request should be sent for next page and the second page response also i want to append to the same variable.

Is this possible in postman?

Thanks in advance.

I have a very similar post and problem to this based upon automation of queries and appending of paginated responses into a single variable (or JSON file). Look forward to a response - although a similar post I saw got 0 replies… :frowning:

Crossing everything for you! I already looked and couldnt find anything on here or google to do this from scratch - although it is VERY possible. Just. How. :frowning: