New to postman, and chatgpt appears to have me on the right track, but I’m not quite there.
I’m unable to fetch all available items due to the resource’s per-page limit.
The script suggested for the pre-request is as follows:
// Initialize the environment variables only if they are not set
if (!pm.environment.get("url")) {
// Set the initial API endpoint
pm.environment.set("url", pm.request.url.toString());
// Set an empty list to store all page views
pm.environment.set("all_page_views", JSON.stringify([]));
…with the post-response as follows:
// Parse the response
let responseData = pm.response.json();
// Retrieve all page views from the environment variable or initialize if not present
let allPageViews = pm.environment.get("all_page_views")
? JSON.parse(pm.environment.get("all_page_views"))
: [];
// Append the current page's data to the list
allPageViews = allPageViews.concat(responseData);
// Store the updated page views in the environment variable
pm.environment.set("all_page_views", JSON.stringify(allPageViews));
// Check if there's a next page link in the headers
let linkHeader = pm.response.headers.get("Link");
if (linkHeader && linkHeader.includes('rel="next"')) {
// Extract the URL for the next page
let nextUrl = linkHeader.match(/<([^>]+)>;\s*rel="next"/);
if (nextUrl) {
pm.environment.set("url", nextUrl[1]);
// Trigger the next request using the updated method
} else {
// If there's no next page, print the total number of page views retrieved
console.log("All page views retrieved:", JSON.parse(pm.environment.get("all_page_views")));
// Clear the environment variable for the URL (pagination ends)
Adding that console.log line after setting the nextUrl variable displays what I’m guessing would be the correct next link:
Since I’m not familiar with using the collection runner, are there any adjustments that can be made to my setup that would enable me to accomplish this with a “single” request?
I’m not in a position to try that code out and I don’t know what the API is you’re using or what it’s returning.
Using the Collection Runner is quite simple and shouldn’t require any adjustments to your script.
To use it in a single request, you’d need to adjust your script to use pm.sendRequest instead but it would mean a bigger refactor, not huge but as I mentioned, I can’t really help you out with that right now.
I read through this documentation, and it sounds like the purpose is to
Send some or all of the API requests in a Postman Collection in the order…
However, I only have this one request, but it needs to be resent for each of the next URLs that are returned in the link header until all of the pages have been exhausted.
Can either the pre-request or post-response scripts be set up to resend this request?
I did, but it just keeps running the same request; i.e., the “next” url is not being used, and it never stops.
I’m going to add a few more log statements to see where i’m going wrong.
I’m currently trying to figure out a way to get the request to GET the value of nextUrl[1] after the first iteration, and keep looping until there are no more pages to fetch.