It looks like using Newman as a library, rather than from the command line with a specific reporter is going to be the option here.
You can tap into the different events and extract the data you want from the response and feed this into a CSV file.
The node ‘fs’ module will allow you to write the data into a file.
Just a hacky example piece of code and is not a finished or polished solution:
const newman = require('newman'),
fs = require('fs'){
collection: '<Collection File>',
}).on('console', function (error, args) {
fs.appendFileSync('./results.csv', args.messages, function (error) {
Add this to your request:
let itemOne = "<location of value in the response>",
itemTwo = "<location of value in the response>";
This will save the console statements to a csv file, it has multiple limitations and you could do the same thing to get the dat via the request
event and narrow it down to just a specific request but this was a quick hack