Hi everyone, through extensive Googling I have discovered how to insert CSV columns into runner rows - simple in the end - but I cannot get response testing to work.
The runner CSV contains 76 columns of which 24 are mapped for inputs using the {{CaseSensitiveColumnName}} syntax in the request body.
I have used the following to be able to map the response body to the variables I need:
pm.test(“Test JSON response is correct”, ()=> {
let results = pm.response.json().outputs[0].results;
Using the console I can see that results.TotalPrice is parsed correctly, however I cannot get the test to replace {{TotalPrice}} with the value from the CSV. I have confirmed that there are no duplicate columns, and in the CSV TotalPrice is set to 220.54.
Any tips? What obvious and stupid thing am I doing wrong??
Thanks in advance!!!