Required to run multiple collection through Newman

Is there any command to execute multiple collections through single cmd.
If you have please share it with me. Iā€™m working on a large size project, so for me, itā€™s not possible to maintain all APIs in a single collection.


Can you explain why you need to run them in a single command? Why can you not run multiple commands?

@allenheltondev Yes i can, but i divided my whole project into module and sub-module, i consider Module as a Collection and Sub-Module as a folder under the collection.
So in my project i required approx 15 to 20 collection.
So if need to run complete project i need to hit 15-20 times. i think itā€™s not good for usability .
one more thing is my collection is also depends on each other so i want to execute my complete project through single command, if you have any idea please share with me.

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If iā€™m running its individually newman generate a individual report for each collection.
and i want single report for my project.
So please help me if you have any idea about it.

If you want the single report from newman, I canā€™t think of a way to accomplish what you are trying to solve. If you are fine with multiple reports, just executing newman for each collection would have been the route to go.

If you have postman pro or higher, you could write a script that uses the API to give you all the collections in a workspace. You could then iterate over each collection from the response and run newman for each one. That way your test runner would always be up to date when you add or remove collections.

@ramvishwakarma We run multiple collections daily through newman. We wrote a testrunner in node.js that calls newman as a function. We also defined environment files which have a list of all the collections we want to run in it so when we declare ā€˜testrunner.jsā€™ it runs all the collections we have defined in our environment file.

Example of how we are calling newman:

function testRunner(collection, callback) {
    const reportOutput = path.join(reportsDirectory, + '.xml');
    //call to pass `options` object and wait for callback
       collection: require(collection.filePath),
       environment: configData,
       reporters: ['cli', 'junit'],
       reporter: { junit: { export: reportOutput } }
    }, function (err, summary) {
      if (err) {
        throw err;
     console.log('collection run complete!');


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Thank you for your email.

Now itā€™s working for me and for your information, Iā€™ve recently started it. your code helps me a lot but still, Iā€™m facing one problem is that, its save the output report in .xml format I want it in html format like below cmd output:

newman run ForesightCollections.postman_collection4Feb.json -k -e KIBA.postman_environment4Feb.json -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-title ā€œRakuten APIs Reportā€

I resolved this problem at my own level.


The below value is not set in the header when Iā€™m running a JSON file through node js.

gzip, deflate

please help me to solve this issue.

when Iā€™m running the same JSON file through bellow cmd, itā€™s working fine.

newman run AForesightCommonModules.postman_collection.json -k -e KIBA.postman_environment.json -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-title ā€œRakuten APIs Reportā€

Could you please help.

Hmm. Iā€™m not sure. Are you passing the header in a variable/data file? It doesnā€™t look like it as part of your cmd line.

above value postman automatically add when iā€™m running through above mentioned cmd. but the same JSOP file when iā€™m running through NODE JS runner. It got failed.


Is there any way to provide a fail or pass condition under the IF-ELSE, based on condition.
Please see the below code: In that code i want to fail my test case in case if a got any NULL value in " if (obj.emsName === null) ":-

for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) {
	   var obj = jsonData[i];
	   if (obj.emsName === null) {
	     console.log("EMS value is null--->"+obj.emsName);
	        console.log("EMS value is not null--->"+obj.emsName);

Please help me


You can write the code like below =>

for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++) {
	   var obj = jsonData[i];
	   if (obj.emsName === null) {
	     console.log("EMS value is null--->"+obj.emsName);
	pm.expect(true).to.eql(false);// it will fail your test case
	        console.log("EMS value is not null--->"+obj.emsName);

@spencer.arend please can you tell me how your environment file is set up? Iā€™m not sure how it would pick up collections from environment file and then iterate through it? Need help pls. I have number of collections in a folder and would like to run them one by one. A little bit of info on how you set up test runner would be helpful. Thanks

Sure. I will try my best to outline what we have done.

In the folder where your postman collection lives, we created another folder called ā€˜envsā€™ though you could call this folder whatever you want. In this ā€˜envsā€™ folder we create a .json file with the following information:

ā€œnameā€: ā€œName of this file will show up when it is imported to postmanā€,
ā€œvaluesā€: [
ā€œkeyā€: ā€œsomeKeyā€,
ā€œvalueā€: ā€œsomeValueā€,
ā€œenabledā€: true
ā€œkeyā€: ā€œanotherKeyā€,
ā€œvalueā€: ā€œanotherValueā€,
ā€œenabledā€: true
ā€œcollectionsā€: [
ā€œnameā€: ā€œtest_collection_nameā€,
ā€œfilePathā€: ā€œ./test_collection_filepath.jsonā€,
ā€œoptionsā€: {}
ā€œnameā€: ā€œsome_other_test_collection_with_iteration_dataā€,
ā€œfilePathā€: ā€œ./test_collection_filepath.jsonā€,
ā€œoptionsā€: {
ā€œiterationDataā€: ā€œ./iterationDataFilePath.jsonā€
ā€œ_postman_variable_scopeā€: ā€œenvironmentā€,
ā€œ_postman_exported_atā€: ā€œ2019-05-30T13:59:48.247Zā€,
ā€œ_postman_exported_usingā€: ā€œPostman/7.1.1ā€

In a seperate testRunner.js file (that was constructed using node.js). We set up a function to get the file you just set up above:

function getConfig() {
let envConfig = path.join(envsDirectory, params.environment + ā€˜.jsonā€™);
configData = require(envConfig);

Then, later on in the same node.js file we call like:{
    collection: require('./sample-collection.json'),
    environment: This is where you would specify configData that we set up earlier
    iterationData: if any collections need a seperate iterationData file you can specify that here
    folder: If there are any specific folders inside your collection you want to run,
    globals: if there are any external global vars that your collection needs,
    reporters: ['cli', 'junit'],
    reporter: { junit: { export: reportOutput } }
}, function (err, summary) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    console.log('collection run complete!');

@spencer.arend Thank youā€¦ I will give a try :slight_smile:

Can you please share sample snippet code to call the testRunner javascript function and how to set all the collections list with data file for the specific collection to run the testRunner.

Thanks in advance.

SET postman_collection=Newman.postman_collection.json
SET postman_environment=JGestab.postman_environment.json

SET postman_folder="NewManExecution"
SET postman_data="A252ST_InputSheet_Pari_V0.1.csv"

Html report is not getting generated using newman html extra. I have created a Batch, i want the run to be captured in html file. It executes but the html report is not generated. Can you help me. Please let me know where i made mistake i am unable to figure out. This code works individually. Through batch run it is not.

SET postman_collection=Newman.postman_collection.json
SET postman_environment=JGestab.postman_environment.json

SET postman_folder="NewManExecution"
SET postman_data="A252ST_InputSheet_Pari_V0.1.csv"
SET postman_data1="A515ST_InputSheet_Pari_V0.1.csv"

call newman run %postman_collection% -r htmlextra,cli -e %postman_environment% --folder %postman_folder% -d %postman_data%  --insecure
call newman run %postman_collection% -r htmlextra,cli -e %postman_environment% --folder %postman_folder% -d %postman_data1%  --insecure

Html report is not getting generated using newman html extra. I have created a Batch, i want the run to be captured in html file. It executes but the html report is not generated. Can you help me. Please let me know where i made mistake i am unable to figure out. This code works individually. Through batch run it is not.

SET postman_collection=Newman.postman_collection.json
SET postman_environment=JGestab.postman_environment.json

SET postman_folder=ā€œNewManExecutionā€
SET postman_data=ā€œA252ST_InputSheet_Pari_V0.1.csvā€
SET postman_data1=ā€œA515ST_InputSheet_Pari_V0.1.csvā€

call newman run %postman_collection% -r htmlextra,cli -e %postman_environment% --folder %postman_folder% -d %postman_data% --insecure
call newman run %postman_collection% -r htmlextra,cli -e %postman_environment% --folder %postman_folder% -d %postman_data1% --insecure