Postman online version truncating response data

I’ve noticed recently that when using the online version of postman, it truncates the response data.

I have an API call that returns 1067 lines of JSON data when I run it in the desktop version of postman. However, when I run the same request in the online version of postman, only 1026 lines of the JSON data showing.

Although the API POST works and creates the required artifact, I’m using a test in postman to grab the id of the artifact and set it as a postman variable for the next request. As the resulting JSON data is not complete I get the following error in the Postman console "JSONError: Unexpected end of input at 1:15428 " and the test fails to get the id and set it as a variable.

This used to work fine in the online version of Postman and no changes have been made to the API call I’m running. Any ideas?

Hey @peterj1974 :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Just for clarity - By online version, you mean the Web Platform as opposed to the Desktop Client?

Do you happen the know which versions of both instances you’re using? You can find that from ⚙️ > Settings > About.

Are you using the Postman Agent or the Cloud Agent on the Web Platform?

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