Hi all. I am new.My code was working properly for weeks and returning the appropriate json result…Now it returns ‘1’. I have no Idea why. It returns 1,weather or not I enter the json data.Please help,thanks.
Hi @raedjamw,
Welcome to the Community !
It looks like this problem may reside outside of Postman. My first thought would be to try and reproduce this issue outside of Postman. I’d recommend making a cURL request via the terminal to the same endpoint and see if the response is the same ( “1” ). You can use the Code Generator feature, if you’d like, to generate the cURL request. More info here: https://learning.postman.com/docs/sending-requests/generate-code-snippets/
If you’re able to reproduce this outside of Postman, then it’s most likely an issue with the code, and you’ll need to troubleshoot further to see why your server is returning that response. I hope this helps!
I have a same issue, the response is 1, and status code 404, response size around 488B, all in header, response body size as 0. however if i click “…” and copy code to run in mac terminal (the same machine), it gives me full response well.
Could you please add the endpoint you are trying