Few automation framework comes with pre-defined methods which will run some code in case of failures. I am wondering if Postman has any such methods ?
My goal is to log a request and response in case of any failure.
How i achieve it now -
I have added a function with console.log for request and response in the pre-request script at the top of collections.
I have an if/else condition in tests. If the condition is satisfied then I add a pm.test(…) otherwise in else part(i.e. in case of failure) i call the method(which logs the request and response)
What i want instead is
It would have been nice if i can get rid of the if/else part and simply use a pre-defined something method like -
`Run on Failure console.log("Request: " + JSON.stringify(request))
Run on Failure console.info("Response: " + responseBody)`