Day 1 - 15 days of Postman for testers - Invalid API Key

struggling on day 1 of the 15 days badge…

I followed all the steps on submit collection.

Update the request URL: Update the collection_uid in the request URL with the collection ID from the previous step, by pasting it into the request URL field.

Get your Postman API Key: Create a new Postman API Key and then open Postman Vault (Accessed via the bottom right menu bar). Create a new Postman Vault variable called postman_api_key and add your Postman API Key as the Value. Once the changes are saved, Postman will use the Postman Vault variable to authorize your request as shown under the Headers tab of the request.

After Hitting the Sent Button I got the authentication error.

    "error": {
        "name": "AuthenticationError",
        "message": "Invalid API Key. Every request requires a valid API Key to be sent."

Could you help me, please?

Hey @rabiasahin :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Please do not hardcode or share any API keys - Can I ask that you delete this key and recreate another one. The reason for the vault is to store sensitive data locally and hidden from others. Sharing images of the key within the Vault exposes that.

A common error here is that you’re not using the Postman Agent when making requests with the Web Version of Postman.

Thank you Danny,

I’ll recreate another API Key.

Hi Danny,

I have changed the API key and downloaded the desktop Agent.
After hitting the send button now I get 404 Not Found and this Error message

    "error": {
        "name": "instanceNotFoundError",
        "message": "We could not find the collection you are looking for"

At least that’s not using the key from the vault.

That error suggests that the Collection Id that you have used is incorrect.

I took the collection ID from info, into the right side and pasted it to the URL rather than {{collection_uid}}

is that wrong?

As you can see at the top of that section, it’s the Request details.

You need to id for the Day 01: API client Collection.

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Ohh I see. Thank you so much Danny :slight_smile:

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