POSTMAN export test collection is adding a package header


We have been using Postman for integration tests along with Newman runner. We noticed recently when exporting the tests, Postman is automatically adding the “package” header with empty {} value.

Pasted below the desktop version.

It is not impacting the test execution status. However it is not needed.
I tried to uncheck the hidden Postman headers. But we export the test collection JSON, it is automatically adding this header.

Version 11.15.0
UI Version: 11.15.0-ui-240925-1238
Desktop Platform Version: 11.15.0 (11.15.0)
To reproduce,

  1. Uncheck the hidden header (if package header is enabled, disable it)
  2. Export the tests
  3. Open the test JSON file using a text editor
  4. Search for “package”
  5. You will notice “package : {}” was added already.
  6. It is happening very recently.

Is there a way to disable this addition ?

Thanks, Rajeswari

Hey @rjayaram :wave:

This property would relate to the Postman Package Library and informs the Postman CLI which packages to use when the running the Collection.

Here’s an example of one of my Collections that uses a script from the Package Library:

As it’s part of the schema, it’s not something that can be disabled via a setting in the UI.

Got it. Thanks for the reply @danny-dainton .

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