Postman CLI Token

Hi. My team has been using Postman for several years, with great success. We now are exploring moving some of our processes to CLI. The one gap so far with CLI is authentication.

In the UI, we have an access token request and the token value gets supplied to the Environment. From that point on all requests are authorized until the token expires, in this case 24 hours later.

How do I accomplish the same thing with the token when using CLI? In our environment we are calling the collection using a locally downloaded .json file and the environment is also a locally downloaded .json file. I am speaking mostly for a runner, using an input file with a lot of data.

So far the only way I have gotten it to work is to call the Auth API and then the Post API. In this scenario Postman CLI is calling the Auth and Post for every record. I want to Auth once, then go through my several thousand Post iterations. Looking for guidance and experience. Thanks!

Example script:

postman collection run CAH.postman_collection.json -e CAH_Dev.postman_environment.json --env-var "Location=CAH-TX2" -i Auth -i Inventory_Adjustment_by_iLPN -d inputfile.csv --verbose > log.txt

Sample output:

The Authorization request is happening with every iteration:

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