I use path variables quite alot, especially the ones like
then build my GET request with path variables as my id/guid/mail address change all the type
My problem:
I have a get query to my API and I currently filter all users email addresses on our API - I want :Mail to be a path variable within my filter but when I do :mail within a filter it doesn’t auto create me a path variable because it adds it as part as my $filter string
myapiurl/tenancies/:TenancyId/identity/applications/:AppId/repository/User/?$filter=attributes/any(x: x/AttributeName eq ‘mail’ and x/stringValue eq ‘:Mail’)
This is how it looks in Postman
It would be really handy in the path variable it said mail then I can paste email address in there and I don’t have to touch the URL at the top then
Any help appreciated thanks