Pass to pb.Any


Currently I’am having issues with passing a value to an Any field as a part of GRPC request.
Here is my request described in postman window in JSON format:

    "filter": {
        "criteria_list": [
                "FilterLabel": "PaymentID",
                "operator": "OPERATOR_EQUAL",
                "operand": {
                        "@type": "",
                        "value": "e664008e-5f12-42b5-a717-44f8a4601a7b"
        "limit": "0",
        "offset": "0",
        "sort_list": [
                "FilterLabel": "PaymentStatus",
                "sort_direction": "SORT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING"

“operand” field is “google/protobuf/any.proto.Any”. So the idea to pass string values supposes that I pack into Any. An ‘Any’ field JSON representation looks like following:

    "@type": "",
    "value": "my_value"

So the problem is that i cannot pass UUID values into ‘value’ field since the postman UI shows next error:

String does not match the pattern of "^([a-zA-Z0-9+/]{4})*([a-zA-Z0-9+/]{2}(==)?|[a-zA-Z0-9+/]{3}=?)?$".

A string of base64, or an array of numbers between 0 and 255

, whilst I can still pass it via grpc client as usual. I’d really appreciate if you suggest workarounds for my case without changing contract for service.

Postman: Version11.5.0
UI version: 11.5.0-ui-240716-0437
Desktop platform version: 11.5.0
Architecture: arm64
OS platform: OS X 22.6.0

Hey @spaceflight-cosmolo1!

There are a few limitations when working with “Any” fields in our gRPC client. Could you please open an issue on GitHub with all the relevant details to help us track and triage this?


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