GRPC message with google.protobuf.Value field not working

I’m trying to construct a Postman GRPC message which has a field that is of type google.protobuf.Value to encode raw json. The protobuf looks like this:

message PayloadRequest {
    google.protobuf.Value payload = 1;

When I generate an example message for this in Postman, it sees that this field is a OneOf type and generates this sample message:

    "payload": {
        "bool_value": false,
        "list_value": {
            "values": []
        "null_value": 0,
        "number_value": "Infinity",
        "string_value": "Lorem dolor minim",
        "struct_value": {
            "fields": [
                    "key": "cupidatat ipsum reprehenderit commodo"
                    "key": "aliquip commodo"
                    "key": "veniam minim est sint"
                    "key": "mollit pariatur"

The problem I’m having with this OneOf is if I omit the other fields and only include the type I’m wanting to send for any of the type it works except for struct_value. If I attempt to supply the struct_value as the OneOf value in this message I always get this error in Postman:

proto: google.protobuf.Value: none of the oneof fields is set

Hi Frank, thanks for your post and welcome to the community. I’m going to check with the internal team about why our gRPC client behaves this way and post a response when they reply to me.

Hi Frank,

We looked into this, and we think this might be a bug. The Protobuf well-known types are heavily used, but the JSON representation rules for Google’s well-known types are currently unsupported.

Our team will look into this further.

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