Parse text in xml

My question:

Is it possible to parse (xml response) from such a returned response?
For example data inside shippingDate>?
I learned how to parse data, but still can’t figure out how to do it with data like that.
I think the problem is that the information I needed was placed in


Apparently for this reason I cannot get the data I need.

Sorry for my english


Hi @khan_aktas, Welcome to the community!

If I understood correctly then you want to fetch some element within this data that you highlighted.

CData tag here refers to the text content inside the xml tag without alterations.

One way is to parse this data again through xmltojs and convert this to json.

Hope this helps


Hi @pranavdavar
I had to think a little, but I managed to figure out how to do what you suggested and it worked.
Also in the process, I found that it was possible to get around this problem, I used another method, which returns me only what I need.

Thank you pranavdavar, i wish you and your family good health!

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