Hi everyone,
I’ve read multiple resources here and elsewhere, but I failed to resolve my problem.
I send a POST request in XML to a host having CDATA made of another XML “request”, and the response has the same structure.
From the nested XML response inside CDATA I need to extract an attribute (‘ATTRIBUTE7’) that will be an environment variable.
My understanding is that due to CDATA the content of VASDataString is seen as a block of text that shall not be parsed.
How can I overtake this block?
Unfortunately I don’t manage to write here the content of CDATA so I can only paste it as image
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><Header>
<HostResponse Attr6="0000" ATTRIBUTE7="00039208052" Versione="2.0">
<Header Attr8="XYZ" Attr9="0101010001001000192" Attr1="CD23" Timestamp="20200513184508520"/>
<Result Attr10="25838" ExDate="20220331" Attr11="000100031408"/>
In Tests there is:
var responseJson = xml2Json(responseBody);
and the Output in the console is:
{VASMessage: {…}}
- VASMessage: {…}
- $: {…}
1. xmlns: “http://subdomain.domain.com” - Header: {…}
HeadElem1: “SIA0101010001001”
HeadElem2: “192”
OriginalTime: “2020-05-13T17:21:00.000+02:00”
TransactionCode: “70”
ReqProcessing: “false”
MessageType: “false”
MessageDirection: “true”
AeviResponseCode: “0” - Body: {…}
VASProviderID: “ABC”
TransactionTime: “2020-05-13T17:21:00.000+02:00”
RetailerID: “0101”
BranchID: “01”
ShopID: “0001”
POSID: “001”
VASDataString: "