Parse Error: Invalid character in chunk size

I am using Postman to send a request that takes xml in the body request and return xml in the response. I have set my accept as / because I want to accept anything that server can give.

However, for whatever reason, randomly I am getting the following error in the Postman console:

Error: Parse Error: Invalid character in chunk size

I cannot seem to be able to see the raw response in postman through tests section. How do I know if there is some invalid character somewhere?

Any suggestion, why it will work sometime and sometime it will not for the same request and response.

GET https://localhost:44368/turtle
Error: Parse Error: Invalid character in chunk size
Request Headers
SOAPAction: http://asdfas
x-commbank-entity: asdf
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
destination: https://asdfada
Authorization: Basic asdfadsfsaf=
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: bdb896c6-cd6a-469e-b7fe-7f33dfdca942
Host: localhost:44368
Connection: keep-alive
Request Body


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Hello! I am a student and I am having the same problem, it would be very helpful to know if you managed to solve it.


Sounds like an API issue.

Postman | Error: Parse Error: Invalid character in chunk size - Stack Overflow