Have you tried using the htmlextra report by @danny-dainton
I’m literally using that report as we speak
I know that report shows a breakdown per iteration.
I’m not using iterations, but here’s an example call:
newman run "https://api.getpostman.com/collections/{put-your-collection-id-here}?apikey={put-your-postman-pro-api-key-here}" --environment "https://api.getpostman.com/environments/{put-your-environment-id-here}?apikey={put-your-postman-pro-api-key-here}" --reporters htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-omitHeaders
This will output an HTML report (with a sexy dark theme option) that will look like this.
The number of iterations will show at the top, only 1 is shown for me as I didn’t iterate the tests.