Newman - how to add and send multiple files stored in GitLab by newman

Hi all,

I am here pretty new and I would like kindly ask you, everybody, for help with a problem that I solve in my project.

I already solved how to run collections via API key not only locally like this

newman run "<collection_id>?apikey=<my_postman_api_key>“ --environment “<environment_id>?apikey=<my_postman_api_key>” –

but the problem is that files are not uploaded during tests running
as you can see in the screen

I do not know how to get data to the requests to be uploaded.Both “Postman_Sprints_x.json” collection and data which I want to upload during request are send and the same level in GitLab.

I have already tried to use e. parameters --folder but there must be also set path (at least relative). I do not if this would be a way?

There is an example of structure in my “Postman_Sprints_x.json” and there are different “src” in the json file

Is there any possibility how to share/upload the files from GitLab to be used in Newman always after checkout the GIT on the local drive? I would appreciate any advice or clue how to solve.

The goal is to run the collection from any place or via eg. from Teamcity.

Thanks for your Help
