New Collections for exsisting Flows

Hey everyone,

I just recently started using flows in Postman and need some help.
I am currently testing an API that is not mine with flows. Of course I get updates and new versions of the json file.

Now the question: Is there a way to automatically change the selected collection for all request bodies in my flow when I have imported an update?

Thanks in advance for your answers!

Hi @frank.scherenschlich

There isn’t currently a way to automatically update the requests in a flow when a new version of the collection are imported.

However, I suggest changing your workflow, if possible, to fork the collection. This way, you can easily pull in updates without manually updating the requests, as the changes will be reflected when you pull the latest version.

Regardless, I will file a feature request for this functionality regarding collection imports.

Hi @flows-daniel

I tried your suggestion by forking the collection but it wont solve my problem!

Annyhow thank you for your answer and i hope the feature request will be included in future updates for Postman! :slight_smile:

Hi Frank, can you tell us more about this, as in why is forking not sufficient here. This will be very interesting for us to understand as we design the best solution for versioning and notification.

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