I created a postman public collection that can be used to move multiple collection to single collection, Thanks to @danny-dainton and @sean.keegan for the idea
just goto to request inside the “run this in collection runner folder” goto the pre request and edit the API key , and the collection list with the UUIDs of the collection you want
Then just run the folder in collection run , and manually send the download request and goto visualize. Here you can download the new collection json
you can provide the workspace name also to where you need to create the collection automatically
This is super cool! Could you share some insight on how this affects the data exchanging process process speed across requests? In other words, how does it affect space/time complexity considerations?
Or does this optimization impact data accessibility in an insignificant way?
I have added one more utility #postman - #collection - #aggregator to the project , now you can consoilidate/move multiple collections into single collection.
just install the package and run the below command
This will create a new collection called “new_collection” with sub collection 1 and 2 as sub folders , all variables will be added to the new_collection