Jenkins console output displays just the SUCCESS/FAILURE message after the job is executed for the postman collection using newman. I would like the result to be displayed with more details with the test run like iterations, pass and fail status. any help would be appreciated!
However, I am getting the detailed result when i run the same newman command from Command Line.
When I run this command on cmd then it is works as it should. But I can not run it on Jenkins. I had the same issue once, I’ve searched and done so many things and I fixed. But I reset my computer and reinstalled Jenkins and now I am facing the same problem again.
Yes, this worked on Jenkins before because I changed some settings, I don’t remember the settings I made. And then I formatted the computer and it stopped working again.
Any newman command does not work through jenkins. I can only check it via “cmd”, I type “newman -v” and it shows “6.1.2” as version information.
The best thing is to not check anything against the cmd line for now and concentrate on getting the Jenkins config sorted, before you can think about running any newman commands.
I’m not going to pretend to know Jenkins and the way it should be setup, I have done this in the past but it was a long time ago.
I know that @vdespa has created great content around this subject a while ago and this video might help. It should play on the useful part for you at the moment:
I tried with “Windows batch command” and it worked. But I had to add these command "cd C:\Users\Acer\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\newman\bin node" before the “newman run”
I guess I could not explain my problem to you. Take a good look at the screenshots I sent you and I explain step by step; 1- Execute shell is selected 2- newman --version , node --version is typed 3- the project is run. 4-Expected result: writing newman and node versions (as in your video) Actual result: newman and node versions are not written.