I wanna start using GitHub actions with my postman tests. and I don’t understand one thing. If I add the postman yaml file, where will the test run? on which server?
Integrate Postman with GitHub Actions | Postman Learning Center
Each time the pipeline runs, the Postman CLI runs the collections that contain your tests.
GitHub actions is the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service that’s integrated with GitHub.
GitHub actions will trigger the build, but its run through the integration with the Postman Command Line Interface (CLI).
It will be run in the Postman Cloud.
So you’re telling me postman downloads my code and runs it? my server needs a mySQL server though… how does it deal with that?
No, its runs from the Postman Cloud.
You are triggering a collection that exists in the Postman Cloud.
Postman CLI = Runs from Postman Cloud.
Newman is the CLI that allows you to run collections locally.
Not sure what you mean by mySQL server. Running of the collection and where the API is hosted are two different things.
Oh, I get it now, but here’s my issue. My server needs to run somewhere, right? Plus, I have many API keys that I can’t include in my repo, but they’re necessary for my code to work properly. Also, when I run my collection, I need Postman to send requests to a specific host (which is usually localhost in a development environment). where should the requests be directed to?
In relation to API keys\secrets, please read the following which shows how you should be storing and using them in Github Actions workflows.
Using secrets in GitHub Actions - GitHub Docs
I’m going to backtrack slightly on the CLI running from the Postman Cloud.
It does but…
Introducing the new Postman CLI to automate your API testing | Postman Blog
You can download the CLI client and install that locally. It will then connect to the Postman CLI to get the collection\run details.
The other option is an Enterprise license for Postman which gets you a static IP. You would then need to allow that IP access through your firewall to your API.
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