Installation Directory Windows

Hi, there is problem with installer it does not asks me where do I want to install Postman, instead it chooses to bloat my AppData\Local directory. Did I somehow downloaded some malware that wants to kill my precious system drive, or I simply can’t find normal installer? :frowning:


@sztosz Hey! Customizable install destination is not supported at the moment in our installer. We are keeping an eye on this request and would keep you posted on this.

Would also like to see customizeable install directory. I need to install SW on Citrix VDI. Current method of installation doesn’t work in a pooled, non-persistent environment like Citrix.

If you copy the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Postman\ directory to the desired location, it seems to work fine.

I also want this feature implemented. I like to install applications to a separate drive if possible.

Is this still not a thing? Seems kind of crazy to not have this option and it makes it super annoying to have to install multiple times when you are using two users on the same machine.

Hello. This topic is old, but this is another vote for alternative installation location. I will try the suggestion by @bulljustin to see if it works.

In my case, business types are using Postman on a jump box in AWS. The machine is built from a system image (AMI) on demand. The jump box cannot have an internet connection so the sharing by teams will not work. Having Postman on a shared drive will give the various users access to the same data (assuming the sharing will work) and eliminate the need to update the AMI each time Postman has an update or new requests have to be added.

Hi! Upvoting this topic as well.

Aside from the reasons above, in current PC configurations, it’s very common to have a smaller system drive (with SSD, for example) and other disk with more capacity.

Space on the C:\ drive is usually limited and it would be awesome if the user could choose instalation path when installing postman.

Upvoting to show some of us continue to be disappointed at the lack of response.
My employer enforces a shared ‘user’ directory to support services aimed at WFH. Forcing the install of an executable on shared Company Cloud storage is just wrong.
In fact, I may have lost sleep over it. You could say I may even get insomnia.

Postman installs to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Postman\

I just move this to Program Files, and it runs ok.

I think I’ve said this before on other threads. AppData is meant be for data, not executables and DLL’s.

Our desktop build is developed to NCSC guidelines and this means that Microsoft Applocker should be installed.

Applocker by default will block applications from running outside of Program Files or the system folders.

So straight away, you have the justify need for exceptions to your Information Security teams. (Which in this case aren’t needed as it runs fine if you move the application folders to program files).

If you are running a compiled programming language like Python or Nuget, then I understand why the compiled applications are created in AppData. (But the main application usually still runs from Program Files).

Hey! I think this is not a feature that this guys wants to implement.
Anyone knows a professional software like this one but with a professional installer that has this basic feature implemented?