If i validate two API ? with respect to Object and values if the both API's are objects and values are different i want those objects and values to be printed in console

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My question:If i validate two API ? with respect to Object and values if the both APIā€™s are objects and values are different i want those objects and values to be printed in console

Details (like screenshots): In first Api tests i wrote this

const response = pm.response.json();
pm.globals.set(ā€œfirstresponseā€, response);

How I found the problem:in second API test i used compare by writing in test tab

pm.test(ā€˜Response is idential to other responseā€™, function() {
var responsepage2=pm.response.json();

const responsepage1=pm.globals.get("firstresponse");

but unable print the objects and values which are different

Iā€™ve already tried:

Producing the DIFF on an array\object is not straight forward.

Itā€™s all according to how complex the object is.

The following is a really basic example but wonā€™t work for complex objects (arrays within arrays etc).

var array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 5, 6, 7];
var array2 = [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1];

if (array2.length >= array1.length) {
    var difference = array2.filter(n=>!array1.includes(n))
} else {
    var difference = array1.filter(n=>!array2.includes(n))


This is complex, and to do this properly for complex JSON\Objects, you need some additional libraries\helpers which arenā€™t available in Postman unless you want to write a ton of JavaScript code.