I would like to associate my postman tests (written in Javascript) with Plans test cases

I have Postman api tests that run successfully in azure pipeline, I export results in jUnit format and publish them, the results are displayed properly.
I would like to associate my postman tests (written in Javascript) with Plans test cases.

I can’t find a precise documentation about this case in general, there is a suggestion here that uses c# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/test/associate-automated-test-with-test-case?view=azure-devops

but i am using javascript. Is there a way to solve this ?
sorry for the missed out ticket, i can’t say if this is an enhancement or a bug or a feature request

Hey @madhusudan

Are you using Newman and the Junit reporter to capture those results?

Could you give us an example of what you’re currently seeing in the report?

Is it something like this that you’re trying to do

Hey @danny-dainton,

Are you using Newman and the Junit reporter to capture those results?


Could you give us an example of what you’re currently seeing in the report?

The report seems like a test case failed & passed with detail.

And yes I have already looked into the above article/blog…

but in this article it is not mentioned how to associate postman tests to devops test cases…

and i want to update the test case state/outcome on devops after running pipeline…(See snapshot)

Hello @madhusudan
It is a limitation of Azure DevOps, there is no way you can do this at least for the moment.
You can check the discussion here
I’ve even created a feature suggestion ticket for that, don’t hesitate to upvote it hoping some day Microsoft fixes it

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Thank you for updating me.

You could check out: https://github.com/jbjakobs/Postman/wiki