Assume there is one collection in postman and there are 3 test cases in one collection.
Collection Name: ABC
|-> one test case
|-> second test case
|-> third test case
When i export this collection i get postman_collection.json.
Postman Collection: postman_collection.json
I need this collection in Junit Report.
With the help of Newman I was able to convert collection.json to results.xml
command is below,
Newman command : newman run .postman_collection.json --reporter-junit-export results.xml --reporters cli,junit
Output: results.xml
Then I took results.xml file and uploaded to zephyr.
with the help of tags generated in .xml report , zephyr tries to generate report.
Expected report is,
zephyr should display report with one collection and inside that collection it should display 3 test case with pass and fail that’s it.
Actual report is,
zephyr is not displaying collection as well as 3 test case, It is displaying what is inside the test case.
I have investigated that newman was unable to make a good .xml file, because zephyr has displayed unexpected report.
Can you please guide me any alternate solution.
I want postman scripts to be uploaded in zephyr (jira).