How to send a POST request with empty values for required inputs

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My question:
Need to POST request for required inputs attributes with empty values and get code 200 with error in HTML (fields should not be empty or invalid username or password)

Details (like screenshots):
Got this in Fiddler after deleting the attributes ā€œrequiredā€ for inputs (login and password) and thatā€™s OK

Trying the same in Postman and get code 422

How I found the problem:

Iā€™ve already tried:
Put token in all fields where possible

Hi @science-candidate-26

Iā€™m not sure I know the answer to this but my first question would be, how did you set the tick inside the utf8 value? ā€¦ Iā€™m not sure how that would be passed, and the ā€˜unprocessable entityā€™ response code would lead me to that symbol I think.

Could be wrong, but Iā€™d start there.

Could you share your console output for the request body?