How to see the actual request sent by postman behind their UI for a websocket

I would like to see the actual request sent by postman behind their UI while connecting to a websocket.
The way we can see the CURL request that is being sent by postman when we hit any REST api, the same way I would like to see the actual request being sent by postman while connecting to a websocket. Is there any such options available???

There is one option “code<>” available in postman UI on the right side panel, which shows the actual CURL request sent by postman behind their UI. Is their any such options available in postman UI which does the same for websocket?

Please help me out with this answer. Thanks in advance!!!

Hi @xaasdigital - you can’t generate a cURL request for websockets in Postman. However you can see what Postman is sending in the Console (in the same way you can for HTTP requests). Click “Show raw log” to the far right (and toggle back to see Pretty).

For WebSockets, you can also click on the connection under Messages to see the details.

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