Hello everyone!
I want to use the same property value in different variable names in order to use them in the next request one after another.
Here is my response:
I want to call the same request 3 times one after another, and every time I want to keep the id values as different variables, because every when sending the same request it generates different ids.
"id": 325623669055201,
"url": "https:/325623669055201.jpg",
"tags": [
"public": true,
"mature": false,
"show_edit_history": false,
"type": "photo",
"width": 550,
"height": 301,
"has_watermark": false,
"title": "",
"sources": [],
"created": "2020-04-26T19:01:09.531Z",
"location": {},
"user": {
"id": 321817103026101,
"username": "user1234",
"photo": "https://321817223390201.jpg",
"name": "Hellen",
"remix_score": 0
"status": "success",
"message": "Photo was successfully uploaded",
"reason": null
This is my test script:
var counter = pm.variables.get('counter');
pm.variables.set('counter', counter);
if (counter < 4) {
} else {
let jsonDataUploadedPhotoId = pm.response.json();
pm.globals.set("uploaded_photo_id1", jsonDataUploadedPhotoId.id);
pm.globals.set("uploaded_photo_id2", jsonDataUploadedPhotoId.id);
pm.globals.set("uploaded_photo_id3", jsonDataUploadedPhotoId.id);
Every time when I send the request, all the variables (uploaded_photo_id1, uploaded_photo_id2, uploaded_photo_id3) get the same value .
But I need to keep different values in these variables as every time it generates new ids.
Thank you in advance for your help