How to get json array value in html response body

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My question: I get a response in html format, but there is a json format array in it. Is there a way to access this array and get the values?

Details (like screenshots):

How I found the problem:

I’ve already tried:

Does the following find anything?

const response = cheerio.load(pm.response.text());
var  cfg = response("N.cfg").text();

If it doesn’t. Could you console.log the parsed HTML and paste here (using the preformatted text option), so we have a full example to work with. Anonymise anything that needs redacting.


If you run the script above, you will get a value that does not exist.

Thought it might. Therefore, can you include a copy of the parsed HTML, so we can try out the query options. Console.log the variable you have it stored in, then copy and paste using the preformatted text option.