How to Fork Collections with Packages Included?


Recently, we had an idea to share our collections with customers or other teams.

We tried forking the workspace, but the packages we use are not included in the new workspace, as shown in the screenshots.

Is there a way to achieve this without incurring additional seat costs?

Thank you!

Hey @technical-engineer16 :wave:

The Scripts from the Package Library are associated with the Team. If you export a Collection from another Team, the scripts wouldn’t resolve in your instance as the references would be broken.

Hi, is it possible to invite other users to my team without purchasing an additional subscription? The goal is to allow these users to run collections without having editing access—just the ability to run tests.

I could set this up via GitHub Actions, but it would be great to use the Postman UI for this if possible.

The forking aspect would be that ability for other users, who are not part of your team, to use those collections.

The main issue here is the functionality to run your team Package Library scripts within that Collection. This sounds like a new Feature Request - As that feature is still relatively new, we’re always looking at ways to improve the current functionality.

The only other workaround would be to add the necessary scripts to your Documentation and have users create those packages in their instance but that’s not efficient.

I’ll have a chat with the team to see if there are other methods to achieve this.

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