How can I setup auth for easier testing?

My workflow is to push changes to my swagger docs, then convert those to Postman and run a PUT on /collections/{{collectionId}} to update my collection on Postman.

My Swagger doc defines two possible security options:

I have security setup for each endpoint because I require different scopes for specific operations. Here’s an example of my GET on /account:

      - application/json
          description: OK
            $ref: '#/definitions/Account'
      - OAuth2AccessCode:
        - app/read
      - OAuth2Application:
        - app/read
      summary: List the details for your account.
      - account

When this gets imported into Postman via swagger2-to-postmanv2 conversion (GitHub - postmanlabs/swagger2-postman2: Module and library to convert Swagger 2.0 to a Postman Collection (v2.0)) I end up seeing this in the endpoint authorization:

which isn’t really what I want.

At the collection level, I have a pre-request script to generate an auth token for the application flow and places it into my environment, which goes a lot nicer when I manually select “Bearer token” from the auth drop down in that screenie above.

If I leave it as is now, I can’t run the collection because it never gets proper authorization. Perhaps there’s something else about my collection update to set to allow for the pre-request script to provide proper authentication to the collection? Just fyi, the pre-request script stores the active token on the environment.

Which leads me to my question, how can I make this work a bit smoother instead of having to grab a new token from either the endpoint’s tab on Postman or changing it manually to “Bearer token” type auth?