I am using a prescript to generate an HMAC signature of the request body, all works find except when the body is empty.
Every other tool I have tried generated the same signature of my development environment, but post man comes up with a different signature.
My PreScript is
pm.variables.set(“hmac”, CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(request.data,pm.environment.get(“SigningKey”)).toString(CryptoJS.digest));
And my SigningKey is
My Backend Code, and Hash and HMAC calculator both say that an emtpy string should produce a signature of
But the script gives me
I found a few post that seemed to indicate I needed to use a variable for the empty string so I tried this script
x = ‘’
pm.variables.set(“hmac”, CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(x,pm.environment.get(“SigningKey”)).toString(CryptoJS.digest));
But I still get the same incorrect signature.
Any suggestions?
FYI, the script works correctly as long as there is some data in the body, my issue is just the emtpy string, I haven’t figure out any method on my backend trying null, empty string 0 byte etc. to generate the signature that postman is on an empty string