Help on checking items in response

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Hello everyone,

Is there any way for postman to check if a specified field contains one or more items below. For a sample response below:

    "id": "4090ecfa537e83f33ebaf4bb368e2b0f",
    "r": {
        "UsedBy": [
                "id": "f44fb93d09c188624ef2d53c89a4237e",
                "type": "Parameter",
                "name": "ASDF123"
                "id": "ce3a770f4d4d9057fa8ad11f269ada87",
                "type": "Parameter",
                "name": "QWERT123"

Say, if there are any items below r: (UsedBy[0] and [1] in this case), the test passes.

But an empty list such as below fails the test:

    "id": "4090ecfa537e83f33ebaf4bb368e2b0f",
    "r": {}

Hello @mpnistal19 , so you are telling that just the property “r” presence should pass the Test cases?

In that case, please check that the below snippet works for you :slightly_smiling_face:

var resp = JSON.parse(responseBody);

 pm.test("'r' property availbility check", function()

If this doesn’t answer your question, kindly share your Test and explain what are you trying to Test.

Thanks @bpricilla will try it. :slight_smile: Basically, if there’s anything inside “r”: {} it’ll pass the test.

It’s actually one of my first steps, soon I will have to check for specific numbers of items under r but for one I willjust have to verify if there’s anything under.

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This test will check if given key contains R key and in next it will test if it contain at least on of the given keys

    pm.test("respons has R key", function() {
    pm.test("R key is an object", function() {

You can change .any.keys to .all.keys if you expect only this one key or list of them to appear.
More you can find in official docs

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Thank you very much, pal. I got a lot of help from the resources you shared.