Getting error: "message": "Unknown path components: /messages\n"

Why am I receiving that error message when testing de endpoint ?

Error message:

    "error": {
        "message": "Unknown path components: /messages\n",
        "type": "OAuthException",
        "code": 2500,
        "fbtrace_id": "A-mrS0cewfwKUhBdbDoCEf8"

Can someone help me ?

Hey @technical-candidate :wave:t2:

Welcome to the Postman Community :postman:

Could you provide more details and context for your issue please? This is using a 3rd party API so it’s best to include the link to the documentation at the very least.

Hi Danny,
I am trying to use that code below:

  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
  "to": "5527997744422",
  "type": "template",
  "template": {
    "name": "motorista_sem_mapa",
    "language": {
      "code": "pt_BR"
    "components": [
        "type": "button",
        "sub_type": "quick_reply",
        "index": "0"

This is the link to the documentation: Overview - Graph API - Documentation - Meta for Developers

Are you using the correct endpoint?

This was showing in the original error from the server

Unknown path components: /messages

Which route and payload from the documentation are you using?

There is nothing wrong with the endpoit, as you can check here:

I have checked the phone ID [291405280726967] and it’s ok too.

This might need you to contact thier support team for more information, Postman is working as expected and the server is returning that response.

It could be a limitation for your token as it also mentions OAuth in the error - I don’t know that API and if specific permissions are given/not given for certain users.

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