GET request C4C OData service


Just started learning and I am stuck as to why I am not seeing any data from the below GET request. I was expecting to see the fields in the collection and their values. Can you please point me to any learnings that would be useful?

Many Thanks!

Very little information to go on here.

The normal response would be to check the API specification and documentation.

Good documentation would normally provide example requests.

Do you have a link to the API spec and documentation that you can share?

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your answer.

Here it is: SAP Business Accelerator Hub

Just look for GET /VisitCollection and you can run a test in a SAP sandbox. A similar request for my environment produces the below result (http code 200):

whereas on the SAP sandbox I can see the list of fields and their values:

Basically, I am trying something similar to here, but I am seeing the actual data:

Nothing obvious is standing out. Based on the documentation and example.

This might be something to post on a SAP forum as it seems related to the specific API.

Its a bit strange that its returning an XML response, and its also referencing Microsoft.

I would maybe double check the authentication to ensure you have the correct authentication type for this service (although I would expect that to produce a different status code).

Can you get any of the other services working? Is there a simpler service that doesn’t use a query filter that you could try? Just to prove the authentication is working properly.