Force environment sync to cloud from script to protect against data loss during a crash

When postman crashes during a large collection run (runner with 500+ iterations) the environment is not persisted into the cloud. Is there are way to force a sync to the cloud of an enviroment variable from within a script so (log) data collected in an enviroment variable in previous iterations is lost when postman crashes? I was running a batch of like 500 runs and after like 200 iterations Postman crashed for some unknown reason but I also lost a status data of the iterations before the crash. We stored then in an environment variable and the the script was designed to white the data collected in this environment variable to a file (using node.js) so we had a logfile. Now I have nothing

HI @acbjlbra,

Welcome to the community.

I don’t have an answer to your specific question. If you are running tests with over 500 iterations in them, I would recommend breaking them down into smaller tests that are more targeted if possible. They can be separated using different folders and run those folders separately.

That will give you faster feedback loops and more granular control over what you want to test.

That’s the way I have gone about doing it anyway. I use the Postman CLI with Batch/shell scripts and target different features within the application I’m testing.

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