Flows action to read in data file? At start or in request

Looking to see if there is a Start configuration feature to read in a data file for local preset values. Or if there is an Action to read in a JSON file. similar to what is done when selecting data file in “Run Configuration” of a Runner test.

Also, I could not figure out how to send a request with a data file. I can select my request, it shows the variables used, but only allows for environment variables as input. The desire would be to select a JSON input file like Runner.

This feature of selecting a data file would be advantageous to selecting a folder and executing all tests, like Runner. Am I missing a Flows feature that does this?

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Hi @dcolombo

Welcome to the forums!

Flows doesn’t currently support intaking local files. However, if you select the start block and then click the gear icon in the top right of Postman (next to the fork button) you can paste in JSON data and run your flow with that.

This is a feature that’s been requested before, so i’ll take this to the team for consideration.


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