I have created a flow that sends a request to a unit test API, retrieving the status of the unit tests (running, completed, etc.), and needs to repeat that request as long the runtime returned by the API is ‘-1’, meaning that the tests are still running.
But when resending the request after evaluating the response from the previous request, the flow just… stops, without giving a reason why it does so.
I’ve tried several things:
Evaluate the value of the runtime returned in the response and if it is -1, send the request again
Evaluate the value of the runtime returned in the response and if it is -1, delay for an X amount of time and then resend the request
Repeat the request X times and hope that after those X times the API returns with a value other than -1
Only the last option seems to work. In the other two cases, the flow just stops. It kind of looks like this issue by @cbarrydcg , with the difference being that I don’t assign the returned value to a variable but read it directly from the response message and act according to its value.
What am I doing wrong here?