Find and replace not searching in GraphQL variables

Has anybody else noticed that Postman’s “Find and replace” does not return matches that are in GraphQL variables? I.e. in the request body, “Find and replace” matches strings in the “Query” box but not in the GraphQL variables box. This makes it challenging to maintain/rename environment variables especially if you’ve used them in numerous GraphQL requests.

I’m currently using Postman for Mac v10.19.6, arm64, OS X 23.0.0.

Hey @kris-outpave :wave:

Welcome to the Postman Community! :postman:

Did you want to go ahead and raise this on our public issue tracker so that the team can triage this :pray:

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Hi @danny-dainton,

Thanks for your reply. I did not get a notification that you replied. Sure, just created it → Find and replace not searching in GraphQL variables · Issue #12464 · postmanlabs/postman-app-support · GitHub

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Thank you for creating this @kris-outpave :pray:

Hey @kris-outpave :wave:
Thanks for raising the issue. It might also help to mention which version of the GraphQL client you are using.

Manage GraphQL queries using the Postman HTTP request interface | Postman Learning Center - This is the new v2 client, customized for GraphQL requests.

Send GraphQL queries using the HTTP request interface | Postman Learning Center - this is v1 that uses the same interface as the REST API calls.

You may be right, though; the Find and Replace also doesn’t seem to work for v2. But it’s worth mentioning on the issue.

Hi @meenakshi.dhanani ,

For my particular case I was using Send GraphQL queries using the HTTP request interface | Postman Learning Center - this is v1 that uses the same interface as the REST API calls. That’s because I am creating sequential requests involving 3 different servers, some using REST while some using GraphQL. I’ll update the issue.

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