Extract all object from array with testscripts

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My question:
How do I extract all product_id from this json file?
I had try on some related post with same question but I can not find the results as expected.

Details (like screenshots):

    "code": 200,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "data_item": [{
                "name": "A",
                "prefixes": [
                "products": [{
                        "product_id": 2442793,
                        "name": "BBB",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 2443085,
                        "name": "AAA",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 2443089,
                        "name": "90A",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 2443091,
                        "name": "VVV",

            }, {
                "name": "B",
                "prefixes": [
                "products": [{
                        "product_id": 24427933421,
                        "name": "VB",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 24434373332,
                        "name": "GG",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 2443094333,
                        "name": "ABC",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 244332095,
                        "name": "1da",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 244435937,
                        "name": "KA",
            }, {
                "name": "C",
                "prefixes": [
                "products": [{
                        "product_id": 232499,
                        "name": "10A",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 42643101,
                        "name": "20A",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 24443503,
                        "name": "30A",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 244435105,
                        "name": "40A",
                    }, {
                        "product_id": 244345107,
                        "name": "50A",

How I found the problem:

I’ve already tried:
const response = pm.response.json();

let lstprod =

_.each(lstproducts.data_item, (result) => {


const Ids = lstprod .map(x => x.product_id)

Hi @hugobnt88,

You may need to use nested for each or _.each per your problem statement.

Below is the snippet which can extract as per the JSON response.

var respBody= pm.response.json();
let productIds=[]
_.each(respBody.data.data_item, (dataIt)=>{

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

1 Like

It’s works, Thank you so much @pranavdavar.