Colletion Runner

Is it possible to skip a request that failed within a collection when running?

Hey @adilzamattos

Welcome to the community! :star:

It is possible to skip or jump over a particular request using postman. setNextRequest("request_name"), in a previous requests Tests tab.

It would have to run the request in order for it to know that it failed though - Is it the request thatโ€™s failing or the tests in the request?

Would you be able to expand your question to include more context and give an example of what youโ€™re trying to do, please?

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Thank you for trying to help me. @danny-dainton

I want to skip the request if it fails. And keep running the collection. Is there a possibility?

It would need to run for you to know that it fails so Iโ€™m not sure how youโ€™re going to skip it before that point.

Are the tests failing on a particular request, under certain circumstances?

Might need to elaborate more or show an example of what you have so far.