I’m trying to refresh my auth token. When I hit the refresh button I get this error "code":400,"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"client_id not specified"
I have entered the client_id in the field and it does not do anything. Also see this GH issue.
I selected add to url but the request url is unchanged portal/sharing/rest/oauth2/token (tbh I’m not sure if this option literally adds it to the URL like this, but if it should it’s obviously not).
I also tried the other options which failed, and auto refresh is turned on.
So this issue appear to be resolved. No changes were made since the time of writing the question, except my API permissions were elevated. The refresh option works now so it must have been related to that somehow, except…
The Advanced section seems totally unresponsive. In the question, I say the Send In: Request URL did nothing, but now the client_id IS in the URL, as I would have thought.
Changing this to Body or Headers has no effect, and the ID continues to persist in the URL (again, assuming I understand this correctly, i.e. send in URL means literally add it to the URL).
The kicker is if I disable the client_id field altogether, the request still works. Unless unchecking the box doesn’t do what I think it does. The client_id is still in the URL here too. Even if I delete this field is still shows up in the URL.