Test that each changes array has property = active
I am trying to write a test that checks each changes object in the JSON response body for property = active.
In other words, each changes array within the response should have the key/value pair "property": "active"
(regardless of accompanying key/value pairs).
Here is an example JSON response body:
"eventType": "account-created",
"changes": [
"property": "email",
"new": "[email protected]"
"property": "firstName",
"new": "TestCase"
"property": "active",
"new": "true"
"eventType": "account-deactivated",
"changes": [
"property": "active",
"prior": "true",
"new": "false"
"property": "updatedAt",
"prior": "2024-07-17T17:55:34.583",
"new": "2024-07-17T17:55:34.590"
I have read several posts but solutions do not fit the weird formatting of the JSON, the nature being so very nested inside of unnamed brackets. I did recently ask a similar question which got me half way to this failing attempt:
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
jsonData.forEach((obj, i) => {
let changes = obj.changes[0].property;
changes.forEach((objb, j) => { //FAILS - TypeError: changes.forEach is not a function
let attr = objb.property[0];
pm.test(`Object ${i} property[${j}] = active `, () => {
Can anyone help me with a test like this?