Can't set variable in request body

I’m trying to set variables in my request body so I can run the post through collection runner but it doesn’t seem to be recognizing them as variables.

Interestingly, the baseURL works as a variable in the URL no problem.

Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 4.55.50 PM
Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 4.56.19 PM

Hey @joint-operations-g27 :wave:t2:

Welcome to the Postman Community :postman:

It’s difficult to tell from the image, is everything saved? No orange dots on the tabs.

Do you have the autosave feature enabled from the settings?

great question. everything was saved but i wasn’t aware of that new feature and i’ve enabled now

Should I be trying to set the variables this way? When I attempt, it doesn’t do anything.


Also note, when I set these variables in the Post URL it works fine. Just not in the body.

I can’t really see what you have in front of you so I’m at a disadvantage.

Where are those variables set? Environment, Collection, Global?

When you hover over the placeholder variables in the body, do the see a popup with those resolved to a value?

Hi Danny - the variables are saved at the environment level. When I hover over, all I see is “comment”.

Is the environment selected?

You might need to over share the information and images here, as I mentioned I can’t see what you can see :sweat_smile: