Can Postman be used to update a SQL database?
I may be trying to use Postman for something it is not intended to do, so please bear with me. I am a voice engineer, not a developer, and have used Postman to simply validate API functionality for RightFax IIS servers that I configured. I am now faced with a situation where I need to update the route codes from 4-digits to 10-digits and we have 2600+ accounts (trying to not do that manually). RightFax support can not provide a way to bulk update these, so I thought of Postman. I may be way off here but I am hoping someone can help.
Can I use postman with a CSV/JSON file to update a SQL database?
I have been able to successfully update 1 account but have not found a way to update multiple accounts.
To update an account I send the command:
PUT https://<servername.domainname>/rightfax/api/Users/47
* The Params section has no data
* The Authorization section has my user account credentials with Basic Auth
* The Headers (10) section has no data
* The Body section has the following "raw" JSON data
"Id": "47",
"DisplayName": "ATEST1",
"FaxNumber": "1005004047",
"RouteCode": "1005004047",
"DistinguishedName": "ATEST1"
* The Pre-request Script section has no data
* The Test section has no data
* The Settings section has all the default settings
If I change the FaxNumber and RouteCode lines it updates it to the database.
I have tried to use Collection Runner with several PUT entries for the different account but I get the response that there is no test.
I have tried to add Params and use a file in Body using form-data but get a response that it is not supported.