I would like to share my Postman setup with my colleagues via software version control (Git).
I have created Collections and Environments (DEV/TST/etc).
Some requests are configured with my personal account which I do not what to share with others and some are configured with a non-personal account which I would like to share with my colleages.
Now I could my personal details from the files I will upload to Git, however that will be a huge pain when I want to share updates or receive updates. Everyone would need to be mindful of restoring or removing their personal account information everytime they would import/export data!
A simple solution to this problem would be to have a second set of variables (e.g. Environment): a default (DEV/TST/…) Environment and an overriding set of variables (e.g. Environment) containing my personal account details.
However I read that Postman does NOT provide a means to load two environments (say DEV_team + DEV_personal). I have not figured out a way to properly deal with my desire to both share with my colleages what I want to share, but also have a generic means to prevent prevent my personal account details from leaking to others yet give others a quick means to re-use what I have created.
How does Postman allow employees to share Collections and Environments with each other, via software version control, whilst easily seperating non-personal accounts and personal accounts?
Am I using the product wrong, or is it simply a product limitation?
I wouldn’t say you are using the product wrong, but there’s definitely a better way to use it.
The best way to collaborate in Postman is to invite users to your team and then share your collections and environments in a team workspace that your team members will have access to.
When it comes to variables:
any value you want to share, add it to the initial value. This way it will get synced and everyone else in the team will be able to see and use it.
any value that’s specific to you, add it to the current value. This one is not synced and will only be visible by you.
This should also mean that you won’t need to use two different environments, but in case you still need to use variables coming from different places, you can use both Environment variables and Collection variables. The latter will be attached to the collection, but you’ll be able to switch between environments if needed.
I have actually used a a Team Workspace before. In terms of version history I found it lacking in functionality over exporting resources after making changes.
You have given me the help that I was looking for! I have played around with the Initial value and Current value columns and exported the result. I see that the Initial value column is exported and not also the Current value column!
I wonder why I never noticed this before, but I suppose that’s life .
I’d still recommend keeping things in the workspace as it will make change review much easier than trying to parse through JSON manually in a git commit.
Specifically you might want to have a look at using Version Control in Postman: