How should I set up a Query param, and how should the cURL for baselinker API look like?
Here is a Baselinker API documentation
The API enables the information exchange between an external system and BaseLinker.
Communication uses data in JSON format. To make a request to the API, send the proper POST request to:
To send a request for each method, a token is required. The token is assigned directly to the BaseLinker user account. User can generate API token in BaseLinker panel in “Account & other → My account → API” section.
Authorization with http header (X-BLToken) is recommended.
3 values must be submitted to the connector.php file via POST:
token - unique user API key- DEPRECATED, please use X-BLToken header- method - the name of the requested API method
- parameters - arguments of the requested function in JSON format
Sample:curl '' -H 'X-BLToken: 1-23-ABC' --data-raw 'method=getOrders¶meters=%7B%22date_from%22%3A+1407341754%7D'
The cURL is not very clear for me:
what is “-H”?
What are ’ separators in the cURL?
Is --data-raw a part of the curl that will be created with request (or it is fine when I set it in Body section like I did)?
I’v set api key, so no longer “error_message”:“No user token provided.” appears.
As a body I selected raw/JSON
So how should I set params to make my getOrders request?
What should i put in Body section?
I tried a lot but nothing seems to be working - always the same message:
“error_message”:“An empty or unknown method has been used”
Please help - because i’m stuck